Caroline Leaf
La doctora Caroline Leaf es neurocientfica cognitiva, con un doctorado en patologa de la comunicacin, especializada en neuropsicologa. Desde la dcada de 1980 ha estudiado e investigado la conexin entre la mente y el cerebro. La doctora Leaf es una solicitada conferencista nacional e internacional en tpicos relacionados como estrs, pensamientos txicos, diferencias entre los cerebros masculino y femenino, pensamiento y aprendizaje, controlar nuestras vidas de pensamiento, y cmo identificar y utilizar la unicidad. Ella ha publicado numerosos artculos en boletines acadmicos y revistas de consumidores; y es entrevistada con frecuencia en estaciones de televisin y otros medios alrededor del mundo. Tiene su propio programa de televisin, The Dr. Leaf Show, y un programa semanal de televisin llamado Switch On Your Brain, que se transmite por TBN. Es autora de Enciende tu Cerebro (Switch On Your Brain) y Think and Eat Yourself Smart, entre muchos otros libros. Leaf y su esposo, Mac, viven con sus cuatro hijos en California.
Dr. Caroline Leaf is a cognitive neuroscientist with a PhD in Communication Pathology specializing in Neuropsychology. Since the early 1980s, she has studied and researched the mind-brain connection. Dr. Leaf is an international and national conference speaker on topics relating to optimal mind and brain performance such as stress, toxic thoughts, male/female brain differences, thinking and learning, controlling our thought lives, and how to identify and use one's uniqueness. She has published numerous articles in academic journals and consumer magazines; and she is frequently interviewed on TV stations and media around the globe. Dr. Leaf has her own TV show, The Dr. Leaf Show, and her own weekly TV show called Switch On Your Brain, airing on TBN. She is the author of Switch On Your Brain and Think and Eat Yourself Smart, among many other books. Leaf and her husband, Mac, live with their four children in California.
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