Mi McClain-Walters
Michelle McClain-Walters ha viajado a ms de cuarenta naciones, presentndose en escuelas profticas, activando a miles en el arte de escuchar la voz de Dios. Es la autora de The Prophetic Advantage y actualmente sirve como directora del ministerio de oracin en Crusaders Church, bajo el liderazgo del Apstol John Eckhardt. Michelle es tambin una de las profetas y lder de equipo apostlico en Crusaders Church. Reside en Chicago con su esposo, Floyd Walters, Jr.
Michelle McClain-Walters has traveled to more than forty nations and has conducted schools of the prophetic that have activated thousands in the art of hearing the voice of God. She is the author of The Prophetic Advantage, and she currently serves as director of prayer ministry on the staff of Crusaders Church under the leadership of Apostle John Eckhardt. She is also one of the house prophets and apostolic team leaders at Crusaders Church. She resides in Chicago with her husband, Floyd Walters, Jr.
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