Generation iY (Updated & Expanded)
: 5th Anniversary Edition
By Tim Elmore
Product Description
It is no longer accurate to refer to Generation Y as one collective demographic. The Millennials born after 1990 are a whole new batch of students. We call them Generation iY because their life is dominated by the iPhone, the iPod, iTunes, etc. They've been identified as the Digital Generation, Mosaics, Techies, Millennials and Screenagers. They are the talk of Human Resource professionals and newspaper journalists, they are the prize of their parents, and they are the market share every retailer covets. They are the kids born between 1990 and 2002 and are part of the largest generation in our history. The older you are, the more you'll feel like an immigrant among natives with this new generation. They've shifted from our Gutenberg era into their own Google era. Their bias is for action and interaction. We have the privilege of shaping their future.
This book is great for parents, coaches, educators, youth workers, employers, and those leading today's students and young adults.
Research-based and solution-based, Dr. Tim Elmore's book outlines practical strategies to:
Guide unprepared adolescents and at-risk kids to productive adulthood
Correct crippling parenting styles
Repair damage from (unintentional) lies we've told kids
Guide them toward real success instead of superficial "self-esteem"
Adopt education strategies that engage (instead of bore) an "I" generation
Pull youth out of their "digital" world into the real world
Employ their strengths and work with their weaknesses on the job
Equip Generation iY to lead us into the future
Understand the generation following Millennials: Generation Z
Topics include:
Amending the lies we have told Generation iY
Predictions for Generation iY in the workplace
What we can expect from Generation iY worldwide
Helping Generation iY find their future
EPIC ideas for educating iY kids
Unleashing their leadership potential
Who are the kids following Generation iY
Product Specifics
Item ID:
Publication Date:
Jul 1, 2015
Trade Paper
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