Great Truths Of The Bible
52 Lessons on Principles of the Christian Faith

Product Description

Have you ever felt that God has something special planned for your life? Do you feel as though you have failed to receive His greater blessings? It may be that you haven’t fully matured as a Christian.Great Truths of the Bible provides you with a greater understanding of God’s will, as revealed through His Word, by presenting 48 fundamental spiritual principles of the Christian faith in a 52-lesson format. This study will…Build your confidence in the truth of all ScriptureHelp you to better understand difficult passages of the BibleProvide insights into subjects rarely taught or preachedTake you through the entire Bible, focusing on key principles of ScriptureAs you follow this guide, you will discover exactly how God prepares you for the many choices you’ll face in life. These truths will become a living reality in your Christian walk, and you will become a “doer of the Word and not a hearer only.” (See James 1:22.)
Product Specifics
Item ID: 486112
ISBN-10: 1629110582
ISBN-13: 9781629110585
Speedy: 770085
Publication Date: May 14, 2014
# of Pages: 320
Format: Trade Paper
Language: ENG

About Al Stringfellow

Dr. Alan B. Stringfellow, a Bible teacher and minister of the gospel for more than four decades, specialized in Christian education. Long concerned with the struggle most people have in understanding the Bible, he set out to write a study course that would bring believers more knowledge and a greater appreciation of God's Word. He wrote Through the Bible in One Year, Great Truths of the Bible, and Great Characters in the Bible for laymen, to be taught by laymen. Dr. Stringfellow trained at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, after which he served at Travis Avenue Baptist Church in Fort Worth; First Baptist Church of West Palm Beach, Florida; First Baptist Church of Fresno, California; and First Baptist Church of Van Nuys, California. El Dr. Alan B. Stringfellow, maestro b�blico y ministro del evangelio durante m�s de cuatro d�cadas, se especializ� en educaci�n cristiana. Preocupado por la lucha que la mayor�a de las personas tienen para entender la Biblia, se propuso escribir una gu�a de estudio que brindara a los creyentes m�s conocimiento y una mayor apreciaci�n de la Palabra de Dios. Es autor de A trav�s de la Biblia en un a�o, Grandes verdades de la Biblia y Grandes personajes en la Biblia para laicos, para que sean ense�ados por laicos. El Dr. Stringfellow se form� en el Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary �en Fort Worth, Texas, despu�s de lo cual sirvi� en la Iglesia Bautista de Travis Avenue en Fort Worth; Primera Iglesia Bautista de West Palm Beach, Florida; Primera Iglesia Bautista de Fresno, California; y Primera Iglesia Bautista de Van Nuys, California.

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