Living With Confidence In A Chaotic World
What On Earth Should We Do Now?

Product Description

New York Times bestselling author, Dr. David Jeremiah updates his classic book, Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World, offering biblically based, practical instruction for living a confident life in a world filled with chaos and crisis. “Let not your heart be troubled . . .” Confidence can be hard to come by these days. People are losing their jobs, their houses, and their life savings at an unprecedented rate. Violence, natural disasters, and moral depravity seem to be skyrocketing. In the midst of all this chaos, we need to know . . . what on earth should we do now? David Jeremiah brings a message of hope and confidence from the priceless counsel of the Word of God. He answers our most urgent questions, including: How can we weather this storm with a calm heart? What does it truly mean to “wait on the Lord”? What is Jesus saying to our chaotic world today? How on earth did we get into this mess? Can we take a broken world and rebuild it into something fruitful? Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World shows us all that with the power and love of Almighty God, we can live with confidence in this age of turmoil.
Product Specifics
Item ID: 748258
ISBN-10: 078525093X
ISBN-13: 9780785250937
Speedy: 254950
Publication Date: Mar 30, 2021
# of Pages: 240
Format: Trade Paper
Language: ENG

About David Jeremiah

David Jeremiah is the founder of Turning Point, an international ministry committed to providing Christians with sound Bible teaching through radio and television, the Internet, live events, and resource materials and books. He is the author of more than fifty books, including Is This the End?, The Spiritual Warfare Answer Book, David Jeremiah Morning and Evening Devotions, and Airship Genesis Kids Study Bible. Dr. Jeremiah serves as the senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in San Diego, California, where he resides with his wife, Donna. They have four grown children and twelve grandchildren. David Jeremiah es el fundador de Turning Point, un ministerio internacional cuyo prop�sito es proporcionar ense�anza sana a los cristianos a trav�s de radio y televisi�n, internet, conferencias, materiales y libros. Es autor de m�s de cincuenta libros, entre ellos: �Es este el fin? y El libro de las se�ales. �l y su esposa Donna tienen cuatro hijos y doce nietos.
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