Manten La Calma Y Confia En Dios
Keep Calm and Trust God (Spanish Version)

Product Description

Nuestras vidas parecen estar bajo un asalto constante. La preocupación, el miedo, el estrés y la ansiedad nos hacen guerra a diario. Nuestra sociedad ha aceptado la depresión y el desánimo como dolencias sociales comunes. La ansiedad amenaza con inmovilizarnos, ya que los sueños incumplidos, la pérdida, el divorcio, la enfermedad, la muerte, los fracasos, los errores y las críticas parecen invadir nuestras vidas a diario. El resultado es mucho dolor, confusión y sufrimiento. Este libro está diseñado para volver a centrar nuestra atención en Dios en lugar de centrarnos en los problemas. Cada capítulo contiene oraciones, ánimo, reflexiones, citas inspiradoras, poemas y escrituras llenas de esperanza y ayuda para afrontar los problemas más frecuentes de la vida.
Product Specifics
Item ID: 800147
ISBN-10: 1949106454
ISBN-13: 9781949106459
Speedy: 221740
Publication Date: Feb 1, 2022
# of Pages: 80
Format: Trade Paper
Language: ENG

About J/K Provance

Jake Provance is a successful young writer, who has written seven books and has plans to write several more. Jake�s first book, Keep Calm and Trust God, has sold more than 600,000 copies. Jake is a graduate of Domata Bible School in Tulsa, OK, and has a call on his life to work in pastoral care ministry with a particular passion to minister to young adults. Jake and his wife, Leah, live in Tulsa, OK Keith Provance, involved in Christian publishing for more than 40 years, is the founder and president of Word and Spirit Publishing, a company dedicated to the publishing and worldwide distribution of scriptural, life-changing books. He also works as a publishing consultant to national and international ministries. Keith continues to write with his wife and with his son, Jake. He and his wife, Megan, have authored a number of bestselling books with a total sales of over 2 million copies. They reside in Tulsa, Oklahoma and are the parents of three sons, Ryan, Garrett, and Jake.
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