Finding Moments Of Refuge In The Presence Of God

Product Description

A daily devotional for maintaining peace and perspective in a stress-filled world. Draw into the quiet, and let best-selling author Dr. David Jeremiah lead you toward God's refuge of peace and holiness every day of the year. The 365 devotionals will encourage your heart and bring God's Word into proper focus for handling life's circumstances, ranging from adversity and difficulty to the daily distractions that compete for our thoughts and Christlike attitudes. Be encouraged to maintain an awareness of God's presence no matter what the circumstance.  It's a wonderful way to "be still" in His presence and, in turn, be His sanctuary to a lost world.
Product Specifics
Item ID: 440008
ISBN-10: 1400318270
ISBN-13: 9781400318278
Speedy: 055081
Publication Date: Aug 23, 2011
# of Pages: 400
Format: Multi-Color Leatherlike
Language: ENG

About David Jeremiah

David Jeremiah is the founder of Turning Point, an international ministry committed to providing Christians with sound Bible teaching through radio and television, the Internet, live events, and resource materials and books. He is the author of more than fifty books, including Is This the End?, The Spiritual Warfare Answer Book, David Jeremiah Morning and Evening Devotions, and Airship Genesis Kids Study Bible. Dr. Jeremiah serves as the senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in San Diego, California, where he resides with his wife, Donna. They have four grown children and twelve grandchildren. David Jeremiah es el fundador de Turning Point, un ministerio internacional cuyo prop�sito es proporcionar ense�anza sana a los cristianos a trav�s de radio y televisi�n, internet, conferencias, materiales y libros. Es autor de m�s de cincuenta libros, entre ellos: �Es este el fin? y El libro de las se�ales. �l y su esposa Donna tienen cuatro hijos y doce nietos.

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