Span-Developing The Prophetic Ministry

Product Description

(Developing the Prophetic Ministry - Spanish Edition) Discover practical guidelines given for the effective operation of the prophetic ministry in the context of the local church. This book also helps you understand the difference between the office of a prophet and the gift of prophecy, how to test a prophecy, and what role it plays in a believer's life.
Product Specifics
Item ID: 53898
ISBN-10: 0914936050
ISBN-13: 9780914936053
Speedy: 826050
Publication Date: Nov 1, 2003
# of Pages: 208
Format: Trade Paper
Language: SPANISH

About Frank Damazio

Frank Damazio and his wife, Sharon, together pastor City Bible Church, a thriving, multisite church that is passionate about reaching the Portland, Oregon, metro area for Christ. Characterized by dynamic prayer, powerful worship, and relevant preaching of the Word, the church contains a mixture of all ages and many nationalities. Frank has a Master of Divinity and a Doctor of Ministry from Oral Roberts University, and he has authored more than thirty books. He is the president of Portland Bible College, a four-year school with degrees in pastoral ministry, leadership, and worship ministry. He is also the vice-chairman of Ministers Fellowship International, a network of pastors and missionaries from forty-five countries. Frank speaks locally, nationally, and internationally, and he is passionate about raising up leaders and building world-impacting local churches. Frank and Sharon have three daughters and one son.

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