Span-Spiritual Warfare
Protect Your Home from Spiritual Darkness

Product Description

Satanás tiene un plan...destruir el reino de Dios, la iglesia, ¡y especialmente nuestros hogares y familias! Comenzando hoy, su familia puede estar segura de la devastación de ataques por parte de invisibles fuerzas espirituales de oscuridad: peleas, división, vacío, amargura, desesperación, y mucho más. En este contundente libro Marilyn Hickey muestra, por medio de su propia experiencia y las de otros, cómo contraatacar con éxito utilizando armas espirituales. Entonces, usted puede:Ser libre de maldiciones generacionalesConquistar pecados y hábitos atrincheradosRecibir poderosas respuestas a la oraciónBloquear los ataques de SatanásLiberar a otros de la esclavitud espiritualVencer las tentacionesRecibir protección divinaGuerra Espiritual revela las estrategias del enemigo y le equipa para involucrarse en batallas espirituales... ¡Y VENCER!Satan has a plan…to destroy God’s kingdom, the church, and especially our homes and families! Beginning today, your family can be safe from the devastation of attacks by unseen spiritual forces of darkness—strife, division, emptiness, bitterness, despair, and much more.  In this hard-hitting book, Marilyn Hickey shows, through her own experiences and those of others, how to successfully fight back using the powerful spiritual weapons that God has given you. Then, you canBreak free from generational cursesConquer entrenched sins and habitsReceive powerful answers to prayerBlock Satan’s attacksRelease others from spiritual bondageOvercome temptationsReceive divine protectionSpiritual Warfare reveals the enemy’s strategies and equips you to engage in spiritual battles…AND WIN!
Product Specifics
Item ID: 435995
ISBN-10: 1603742735
ISBN-13: 9781603742733
Speedy: 772733
UPC: 630809742735
Publication Date: May 31, 2011
# of Pages: 224
Format: Trade Paper
Language: SPANISH

About Marilyn Hickey

As founder and president of Marilyn Hickey Ministries, Marilyn is being used by God to help cover the earth with the Word. Her Bible teaching ministry is an international outreach via television, satellite, books, CDs, DVDs, and healing meetings. Marilyn has established an international program of Bible and food distribution, and she is committed to overseas ministry, often bringing the gospel to people who have never heard it before. Marilyn's message of encouragement to all believers emphasizes the fact that today can be the best day of your life if Jesus Christ is living in you. Marilyn, along with her late husband, Wallace Hickey, founded the Orchard Road Christian Center in Greenwood Village, Colorado. She has two grown children, five grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.

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