Span-Win At Work And Succeed At Life
5 Principles to Free Yourself from the Cult of Overwork

Product Description

Los grandes líderes están impulsados ​​a ganar. Sin embargo, las victorias profesionales pueden tener un gran costo para su salud, sus relaciones y su bienestar personal. ¿Por qué parece imposible ganar en el trabajo y triunfar en la vida?   Michael Hyatt y Megan Hyatt Miller saben que podemos hacerlo mejor porque lo han visto en sus más de cuatro décadas como ejecutivo exitoso y como esposo y padre amoroso y presente. Hoy Michael y su hija, Megan Hyatt Miller, son entrenadores líderes para vivir la doble victoria. Respaldado por investigaciones académicas de la ciencia organizacional y la psicología, e ilustrado con estudios de casos reveladores de todo el espectro empresarial y sus propios clientes de coaching, Cómo ganar en el trabajo y tener éxito en la vida es su manifiesto sobre cómo puedes lograr el equilibrio entre el trabajo y la vida, y restaurar tu cordura. Con claridad, humor y mucha motivación, este libro te brinda: - Comprensión de las fuerzas históricas y culturales que han llevado al exceso de trabajo - 5 principios para repensar el trabajo y la productividad desde cero - Prácticas sencillas, pero probadas, que te permiten reducir la velocidad y recuperar tu vida Rechaza el concepto falso de elegir entre carrera o familia. Puedes lograr la doble victoria en la vida. ---------- Great leaders are driven to win. Yet career wins can come at great cost to your health, relationships, and personal well-being. Why does it seem impossible to both win at work and succeed at life? Michael Hyatt and Megan Hyatt Miller know we can do better because he is seen it in his more than four decades as a successful executive and a loving and present husband and father. Today Michael and his daughter, Megan Hyatt Miller, coach leaders to live the double win. Backed by scholarly research from organizational science and psychology, and illustrated with eye-opening case studies from across the business spectrum and their own coaching clients, Win at Work and Succeed at Life is their manifesto on how you can achieve work-life balance and restore your sanity. With clarity, humor, and plenty of motivation, Win at Work and Succeed at Life gives you - an understanding of the historical and cultural forces that have led to overworking - 5 principles to rethink work and productivity from the ground up - simple but proven practices that enable you to slow down and reclaim your life - and more Refuse the false choice of career versus family. You can achieve the double win in life.  
Product Specifics
Item ID: 759676
ISBN-10: 1641237295
ISBN-13: 9781641237291
Speedy: 771362
Publication Date: Jun 1, 2021
# of Pages: 224
Format: Trade Paper
Language: ENG

About Michael Hyatt

Michael Hyatt is the founder and chairman of Michael Hyatt & Company. Under his leadership, Michael Hyatt & Company has been featured in the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing companies in America for three years in a row. He is also the author of several New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling books, including Platform, Living Forward, Your Best Year Ever, Free to Focus, and The Vision Driven Leader. With his daughter, Megan, he is coauthor of Win at Work and Succeed at Life. He's living the Double Win with his wife of forty-plus years, five daughters, and nine grandchildren. Megan Hyatt Miller is the president and chief executive officer of Michael Hyatt & Company. Cohost of the popular business podcast Lead to Win, she is also Michael's oldest daughter and coauthor with him of Win at Work and Succeed at Life. As the architect of Michael Hyatt & Company's standout culture, she is committed to helping her team win at work and succeed at life, while also delivering phenomenal results to their customers. When she's not taking the company to new heights, she's fully present at home with her husband and five kids in Franklin, Tennessee.
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