El Dr. Kevin Leman es un psiclogo reconocido internacionalmente y autor superventas de la lista del New York Times por sus ms de 60 libros escritos. Tambin es conocido como educador, humorista, celebridad de radio y televisin; adems de orador que ha enseado y entretenido a audiencias de todo el mundo con su ingenio y su psicologa de sentido comn. Ha sido entrevistado en programas radiales y televisivos como FOX & Friends, Huckabee, The 700 Club, The List, Hallmark Channel's Home & Family, The View, FOX's The Morning Show, Today, Morning in America, CBS's The Early Show, Janet Parshall, CNN, Enfoque en la familia, Oprah, y ha fungido como psiclogo familiar colaborador de Good Morning America. Los aclamados libros del Dr. Leman incluyen Tengan un nuevo hijo para el viernes, Cra hijos sensatos sin perder la cabeza, El nuevo libro sobre la teora del orden de nacimiento y Msica entre las sbanas. Kevin y su esposa, Sande, tienen cinco hijos y cuatro nietos; viven en Tucson, Arizona.
Dr. Kevin Leman, an internationally known psychologist, radio and television personality, and speaker, has taught and entertained audiences worldwide with his wit and commonsense psychology. The best-selling and award-winning author has made house calls for hundreds of radio and television programs, including "The View" with Barbara Walters, "The Today Show," "Oprah," CBS's "The Early Show," "Live with Regis Philbin," CNN's "American Morning," and "LIFE Today" with James Robison, and he has served as a contributing family psychologist to "Good Morning America." He is the founder and president of Couples of Promise, an organization designed and committed to helping couples remain happily married. Dr. Leman is also a charter faculty member of iQuestions.com. He has written over 30 best-selling books about marriage and family issues, including "The Birth Order Book" and "Sheet Music: Uncovering the Secrets of Sexual Intimacy in Marriage." Dr. Leman and his wife, Sande, live in Tucson. They have five children.